Occupational Therapy

Paediatric Occupational Therapists assist children to be more effectively able to achieve their occupational roles. A child’s primary occupational roles are:

  • to be able to develop independence skills and self-care skills
  • to socialise and play

How do I know if my child needs to see a Child Occupational Therapist in Melbourne?

There are a number of key indicators that can help you decide if your child needs to see an occupational therapist. These include:

  • Fine and gross motor co-ordination difficulties
  • Attention and engagement problems
  • Social skills problems
  • Play skill difficulties
  • Handwriting problems
  • Self-care difficulties e.g. sleep, dressing, organising self and belongings
  • Sensory over-reactivity, under-reactivity and/ or sensory seeking
  • Regulation difficulties

Please note, if you have any concerns regarding your child’s development please contact us to discuss these in further detail.

Areas of Focus

The occupational therapists at Kids Connect Therapy provide assessment and management for children and families, from infancy through to adolescence years of age who have difficulties with:

  • Fine and gross motor co-ordination
  • Attention and engagement
  • Social skills
  • Play therapy, child therapy and play skills
  • Handwriting
  • Self-care e.g. sleep, dressing, organising self and belongings
  • Sensory over-reactivity, under-reactivity and/or sensory seeking

All occupational therapists at Kids Connect Therapy have an ongoing commitment to enhancing their professional abilities by participating a range of professional development opportunities and programs.

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